Dr. Lauren Schnell

Dr. Lauren Schnell

Lauren K. Schnell


Dr. Schnell completed her Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from Caldwell University under the advisement of Dr. Jason Vladescu and has worked in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis for over 15 years. Dr. Schnell is currently an Assistant Professor in the Applied Behavior Analysis programs at Hunter College. She has published in areas such as staff/parent training, efficiency of instruction, verbal behavior, and stimulus equivalence-based instruction in books and several peer-reviewed journals and has presented her work at local, national, and international conferences. She has served as a guest reviewer for journals such as the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Journal of Behavioral Education, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Psychological Record, Young Exceptional Children and the Education and Treatment of Children. 

Dr. Schnell’s principal research interests include increasing instructional efficiency, identifying effective and efficient methods to train staff and parents in implementing behavioral technologies, and implementing behavioral technologies to address issues of social justice.


Evidence- Based Teaching in Culturally Responsive Higher Education

The college and university classroom is diversifying, with instructors now responsible for educating students across race, culture, and generation. In order to reach optimal outcomes across these diverse classrooms, instructors must be committed to cultural responsiveness while implementing the most up-to-date, evidence-based teaching procedures. This chapter will review evidence-based teaching procedures to develop cultural competence, through the use of contingency management and the creation of adequate learning opportunities.